Tuesday, December 06, 2005


I arrived in Barcelona at 12:00 today. I'm still a little in shock that I am all the way in Spain as it was such an unexpected trip but I am happy that I now have the time to see Barcelona. The train ride was okay, I didn't sleep much at all so I am a bit in a daze today. I saw an absolutely beautiful sunrise from the train though, it looked as if the sky was on fire.

I only had one small problem when I arrived in Barcelona Sants train station. A guy wouldn't leave me alone when I was buying my metro ticket, kept trying to push buttons for me and tell me how to work the machine. I think they do that just to see if they can intimidate you, and then try to get at your money. I ended up telling him no, no, no and when he kept trying to push the buttons for me, I just slapped his hand and arm away and said no pretty loud. He got away fairly quickly.

The weather is actually pretty mild here, which is a nice change from the extreme cold in Austria, Switzerland and Belgium!! I just walked down Las Ramblas today, and down to the harbor. They have so many funny street performers!! I went to Dunkin Donuts!! I thought I would have to wait until I arrived in NY to get my dunkin donuts coffee, little did I know I just had to go to Spain for a cup :o). I'll try to post more pictures soon, my hard drive is full so I may need to burn some to a CD now! I'm sure I'll have a ton after doing some sightseeing tomorrow!


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