Saturday, November 19, 2005

Last Night in Vienna

I had a great last night in Vienna. I saw the city during the day, it started snowing and it was just beautiful! I went to the Christmas Market and then back to get ready for La Traviata that night. Rosvita was there early, so I was able to move up a little in line and we just chatted before we went in. The opera was amazing, so beautiful. It made me cry. We went to get a poster and waited backstage for the performers. I had it signed by the conductor and all of the lead singers, which was nice. Then she said I couldnĀ“t leave without trying some Vienna sausage before I left, so we bought some to go and then walked around the city for a while. I had to get up for a 6:30 am train so we made it an early night. We said our goodbyes and she told me that anytime I would like to come stay with her I am more than welcome. I just might take her up on that!! Next on to Prague!!


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