Trip to Salzburg
I took the overnight train from Prague to Munich (the only straight trip I could take to get to Salzburg, which is 2 hours from Munich). My friend Matt was nice enough to help me with my bags and walk me to the train station. I found out last moment that the train was going to split (one way to Frankfurt, the other part to Munich), so we had to book it to the 3 rail cars headed for Munich. I made it with all of maybe 4 minutes before the train pulled out. It was an empty car though, so I had a car all to myself. I rolled down all of the seats and turned it into a bed, and closed the shades so hopefully no one would want to come in. I had a nice amount of sleep (which was great because I barely slept the night before) until about 1:30 am when the door was slammed open, lights turned on and I was asked for my passport. They seem to love doing that in the middle of the night... Then I showed my ticket and I was able to go back to sleep. I had my alarm set for 6:00 am because I would arrive in Munich at 6:30 and then need to catch my train to Salzburg (and sometimes the stops are really short). Either my alarm didn't go off or I didn't wake up to it (probably the latter). I woke up to some german guy flicking the lights and clapping his hands, like RUSH RUSH RUSH!! I was in a daze, I grabbed my coat, my bags and booked it to the exit. I made it to my Salzburg train literally 2 minutes before departure!!
When I arrived in Salzburg, Giovanni had arranged for me to stay with his Aunt and Uncle, and since they were working, just had me pick up the key. They have a lovely home, beautiful views and just outside of the city. They are so nice to open up their home to me!!
I got a little lost getting here, but asked someone for directions. They actually started with, "You need to walk to over that mountain...". I'm attaching of the picture of the mountain I walked over, with a small hole in the middle! It was a nice walk, beautiful but it was snowing a ton and I had my luggage! I took some pictures along the way though and it was very nice.
I just spent the day walking around Salzburg. I saw Mozart's birthplace, old churches, the Christmas Market. It is so quaint here. I'm posting pictures but there will be more tomorrow, it was just snowing so much today!! I just heard San Diego is still warm as ever!!
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